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Updates about our courses and industry news

Reopening pubs after COVID-19

With all the new COVID-19 rules to follow in pubs, it’s important to also remember the underlying basics in ensuring health and safety compliance.

Health and safety
workplace first aid

Workplace first aid during COVID-19

COVID-19 has changed the workplace for millions of people across the country so you should consider re-examining your first aid at work needs assessment.

Coronavirus First Aid

Firework Safety

This blog will explain the importance of staying safe on Bonfire Night and following the fireworks code at all times.

Fire safety Health and safety

Training the community

We recently provided food hygiene training to a local community group, also offering first aid support with a fantastic event.

Food hygiene
computer desks

Are you ready to go back to work?

Heading back to work may feel a bit strange so make sure you’re prepared. Keep your team are safe with up to date workplace training.

First Aid